Microfinance is the
latest buzzword in the developmental circles. Inspired by the success and its
extensive documentation of Grameen Bank experience of Bangladesh, there are
several experiments being carried out in India as well. Obviously it is
mandatory for literature about these experiments to follow. Rural Credit and
Savings has been one sector which has been almost damaged beyond repair due to
the excessive intervention of the State and therefore now people are trying to
look at solutions which are not conventional. In the light of immense action
happening in the microfinance sector, Karmakar’s book is not only timely but
also important addition to the existing literature.

That the author has
extensive experience in the area of rural credit is evident throughout the
book. However, what seems to be lacking is a coherent theme in the book – it tries
to be everything to everybody. The
contents are as diverse as the title itself and one gets a feel that there is
no core issue that the author is trying to address. So the book turns out to be
a documentation and critique of the State policy on rural credit in the first
half and a description of self-help groups and microfinance experiments in the
second half. Of course, there is a
mandatory wrapping up of the exercise with some recommendatory chapters on
revival of credit delivery systems and developing appropriate systems for
microfinance institutions.

The significant points
made by the first half of book are:
- Formal rural credit system has, over the years failed to deliver. This is evident by the fact that the formal and informal sectors exist despite the interest rates of the formal sector being low (p.43)
- Instead of addressing the basic problems with the rural credit delivery systems, we have been creating new institutional structures, which continue to have the old problems (p.51)
- The transaction costs of the rural credit systems are very high and the system is plagued by non-performing assets
- Rural Credit needs to be restructured (p.107)
One might have
problems in the way transaction costs are calculated (p.122, 123) and the two
significant recommendations that the RRBs should be merged with commercial
banks and Long Term rural Credit Structure should be merged with the Short Term
structure (p.107). But still it can be generally agreed that the above points
are not only valid, but have been repeated by several studies that have been
undertaken in the past. Now the recommendation of restructuring the rural
credit system has two problems. One - because of the heavy accumulated losses
and NPAs of one wing to be merged (RRBs, Long Term Institutions) and the - none
too impressive profitability track record of the other, it would leave the
rural credit sector with a larger sick institution. The second problem is that
this militates against Karmakar’s own stand that we are creating new/different
institutional forms instead of looking at alternative forms (p.51).
The next part of the
book looks and analyses the credit needs of different segments of the people in
the rural economy – tribals, women, micro-entrepreneurs, non-farm sector. It
gives some case studies of self-help groups and microfinance institutions. It
then jumps to a chapter which talks of revival of rural credit “delivery” in
India – thereby not recognizing the paradigm shift that is happening in the
sector. What could be culled out of the series of chapters in the second half
- The transaction costs being high in rural credit is a fact to be recognised and addressed.
- Self-help groups represent a methodology where the transaction costs are either reduced or transferred away from the banking system (formation of SHGs enable banks to save on expenditure for appraisal costs, because first level screening is done by the group; and reduce cost on loan monitoring – which is done by NGOs - p.359)
- There have been successful experiments of rural banking using the concepts of self-help groups – both within India and in Asia and therefore evidence that this alternative works. (Experiments in Orissa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bangladesh, Thailand etc.,)
- There needs to be an analysis of even these experiments to increase their impact. There are a series of recommendations for each of the experiments studied and for systems and procedures in general.

While the book has a
wealth of information on rural credit and is an excellent source book for a
great policy review including a critical analysis of various committees that
looked into the aspects of rural credit, it still does not give the macro
effect it could have given. This is certainly not to undermine the importance
of this book or the immense amount of work that must have gone into getting the
book in its current form. With a little bit of editorial support and some
inputs on the centrality of the theme of the book, what is now a good book
could have been an excellent source of reference. This is particularly true because we need
some good quality analysis and reporting on the microfinance sector in India.
Finally some smaller
- The vicious cycle of inefficient functioning (p.103) looks strikingly similar to Dependence Trap laid out by Seetaraman and Mohanan in 1985 in their analysis of the co-operative system. Was it inspired? In any case, this proves the point that the vicious cycle is not limited to co-operatives alone.
- The draft guidelines for Small Credit Associations indicate that “the savings contribution could be in the form of cash or kind (which has immediate market value). The group would convert the kind into cash – in order to maintain uniform accounting system” – What do we call this? Backward Linkages, Barter or say that monetary units are used only for accounting systems?
- The registration options for SHGs indicate the following:
- Trusts – but members cannot derive any income from the activities
- Partnership – but they might attract the provisions of Companies Act if they are more than 20.
- Society – They cannot declare dividend. Common property cannot be distributed amongst members in case of dissolution. Members stand to lose the savings money kept in the corpus
- Co-op – Too much of control of the registrar and regulation over functional autonomy
- Company – Registration procedures are lengthy and time consuming.
Rural Credit And Self-Help Groups
Micro-finance Needs and Concepts in India
By K G Karmakar
Sage Publications, New Delhi 1999
Price: Rs.465 (Cloth)
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