There have been some
very interesting books in the recent past on the Small Industry. With competition increasing and protection
for various sectors being selectively removed, it is time that we looked at
some sectors which have been accorded protection in the past – like
co-operatives and small industries and see how they have been performing. It is
also important for us to get some insights into recent research and practice in
these sectors. In this context, KC Nanda’s book raises the level of
expectations with a rather pompous subtitle. However as one reads through the
pages and pages of hand-waving conclusions and off-the-cuff tips, the
expectations get belied.

In fact, the tone of
the book is set out in the preface where the author says: “The most expressed cause of small business failure has been the lack of
working capital….. Some attribute the inadequacy to over investment in fixed
assets or to the big boss complex.
Others maintain that failure is due to ineptitude, laziness,
overextension, chicanery or some other non-financial reason. Yet others blame
excessive dependence on one buyer and on marketing myopia. Some lay it on the use of informal
money……”(p.14). While there are extensive bibliographic references to the
case laws in the notes to every chapter, there are no references to the above
observations. Surprisingly, most of the reasons given above can be found in a
single book “How Not to Ruin Your Small Industry” by Phansalkar (Response
Books). In fact this constant disregard for the earlier academic work done in
this area is the single most significant drawback of the book.
Being from the legal
profession, the author has done a good job of taking the readers – intended to
be small entrepreneurs through a tour of all the day-to-day legislation,
notifications, circulars, case-laws and procedures.
The book starts with a
perspective of the small industry and goes on to analyse the need for
funds. Chapter 2 touches upon the most
significant aspect possibly often ignored by the small entrepreneur – that the best way of looking at the working
capital problem is to look within. Bring in efficiencies in management of
inventories, receivables and get rid of non-productive assets. In Chapter 3,
the author looks at sources from where funds can be generated. This covers a
description various financial instruments – such as equity, preference shares,
commercial papers and venture capital. Apart from this, he also deals with
various ways in which the small enterprises can fund their capital assets –
hire purchase, using deferred payment options, resorting to private borrowings
– from money lenders and chit funds. He even goes to the extent of suggesting
Share Application Money in a public issue and Security Deposits from suppliers
and dealers (p.58). Surely, there must more sustainable ways of funding the
business than these! Where the author fails is in going beyond just listing
these sources. There is no analysis of how difficult or simple it is to tap
these sources, how it would affect the cost of funds. The chapter just talks
about the legal aspects of these sources.
Chapter 4 describes
the Banking Industry in India and its functions. The author gives an exhaustive
list of the types of loans an enterprise can seek from the Banking industry.
Chapter 5 describes the banking instruments – cheques, bills, letters of credit
and the legal intricacies related to each of these instruments. Chapter 6 deals with Banking services – the
type of bill discounting, cheque repurchase facility etc., which the bankers
offer. The three chapters put together again, give out a lot of information on
the intricate differences between a bill discounted and a bill purchased, and
the legal implications of each of these.
As we proceed reading the book – it becomes more and more clear that
this is a book on banking regulation and negotiable instruments as applied to
small industry pretending to be a book on financing strategies for small
industry. Obviously there is a world of difference between the two.
Chapter 7, 8 and 9
deal with the broad norms adopted by the Bankers in general in appraising and
administering loans. One should not be misled by the title “Bank’s
Viewpoint”. It does not talk about how
Bankers look at small industry, but talks about the criteria adopted by the
Banks in appraisal. There is a mandatory listing of all the popular ratios,
talk of credit rating and health codes. He even reveals the ratios used by
CRISIL and ICRA in arriving at the rating – till now a closely guarded secret
in the rating industry! There is also some discussion on the interest rates and
how they are arrived at under various circumstances.
Chapter 10 and 11
discuss the security sought by the Bankers in dealing with any lending
programme. It has a detailed discussion
on the primary security and collateral, the difference between a hypothecation
and pledge and so on. Chapters 12 and 13 deal with sickness and turnaround –
again mandatory chapters when one is dealing with the small industry! The next two chapters concentrate on dispute
resolution and legal recourse as far as banking is concerned. The last chapter
offers some tips for the small entrepreneurs.
On the whole, the book
is very patchy and lacks focus both in content and presentation. There are several factual errors and
misconceptions in the book. Similarly, there are too many opinionated
statements that are more like coffee table arguments and do not emnate from any
organised work. Here are some quotes from the book:
- The scams in the NBFC operations are the result of inabtion on the part of RBI…..I believe that many NBFCs invested in good scrips and within the knowledge of the Reserve Bank of India. They are now finding it difficult to find liquid cash in the face of government’s failure to control share prices.
- The capital issues of the small sector would not be dealt with at the stock exchanges, theoretically these monies (share application money) can be used by the small sector….
- I am not opposed to mechanisation. In planning, however, priorities have to be determined. Perhaps we are worrying too much about automation. What is worrying is, are we prepared for it? Is it necessary for our social agenda? Do we really need efficiency?
- Banking in India is either nationalised or controlled by the Reserve Bank of India. All scheduled and unscheduled banks have also been covered (under the scheme of Banking Ombudsman), with the exception of rural reconstruction banks (actually meaning Regional Rural Banks)
- It is sad for the judges the attraction for becoming a judge is the leisure the position brings. In fact, judgeship is attractive for practising lawyers who are in poor health. It is not unknown that many successfule practising lawyers have fled to the judiciary at an enormous sacrifice in income in order to escape the tedium and constant pressure of law practice.
And if the above
conclusions were not enough, the author gets into an argument with Amartya Sen:
- Amartya Sen may be right in his assertion that equity is possible without growth. However, without growth, equity just cannot be sustained. We have already seen how the new economic policy has adversely affected growth generally and the small scale sector’s growth particularly.
Unfortunately such
statements which are plenty in the book bring to doubt the basic credibility of
the arguments extended by the author. In summary the book has a wealth of
information lost in a maze of disorganised flippant and off-the cuff
statements. It is like a pocket
dictionary that has most of the functional words and their meanings – but not
arranged alphabetically! Surely in case of every publisher of repute there would
be a system of refereeing the book and editorial assistance before publication.
This does not seem to have happened in this particular case.
Credit and Banking
What Every Small Entrepreneur (and Banker) Must Know
By K C Nanda
Response Books, New Delhi 1999
Price: Rs.395 (Cloth) Rs.225 (Paper)
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