Ajay Tankha
Sage Publications, New Delhi
pp.295. Rs. 595
groups (SHG) as a concept have been there in existence for ages. However, SHGs,
in the arena of financial intermediation have been there for more about 25
years, starting with the early credit management groups set up by Myrada, a
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Bangalore. However, Ajay Tankha
and other official chroniclers would record the birth of SHGs on the historic
day of 26th February 1992 when the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD) issued a ‘landmark’ circular (p.22). The
construction of history has placed so much emphasis on an official recognition
of an experiment that was in the making for five years. Therefore the year 2012
instead of being celebrated as the silver jubilee of SHG movement was
celebrated as the twentieth anniversary of issuing a circular.
book is constructed on the ‘review’ of SHG movement, and performance in the
past two decades. Therefore the book is organized into factual silos: origins
of the groups; performance and growth; institutions involved; costs;
sustainability and impact. He has succumbed to the danger of this approach: of
looking at silos in detail, loaded with facts and numbers and losing the big
picture in the process - the landscape of financial inclusion. By this process,
his time marker is an official recognition, a day when SHGs entered into the
statistical reportage of the Nation.

this book, Tankha has worked and written on diverse issues pertaining to SHGs –
his particular contribution was in estimating the cost of promoting SHGs and
SHG Federations. We can see that the overall approach of this book is towards
evaluating the movement on financial terms. But at the end of twenty (five)
years, we should look at whether the concept is relevant, the reasons for
limited regional success and what it means to be taken over by the state. When
we look at the future directions as Tankha attempts to do, it is important to
go back to see if the base principles are in-tact.
fails to recognize the conceptual triggers behind the growth of the movement in
a particular direction. For instance, were SHG federations necessary? While it
looks natural that as the movement grows, we need consolidation and federations
are a natural outcome. That, is the line of argument he takes. However, if we
examine it from an intermediation perspective –it does not make sense to add another
layer of costs between the bank and the ultimate customer. Aggregation of SHG
transactions at the Federation level would make sense if the spread of banking
was not deep. It would, for instance, make sense for a Kotak Mahindra Bank or a
Yes Bank. But for public sector banks having a physical presence in more than
45,000 rural and semi-urban locations it does not. It only cannibalizes the
local business through an aggregation at the regional office level and
by-passing the branch network through an alternative federation route. This takes
us to the design principles to see if they work.
unfortunate part of Tankha’s approach in this rather well researched and
detailed book is that he does not question the status quo. He takes facts as
they appear and chronicles them. It would have been delightful if he had looked
at each of the landmark events to build a story on how these events changed the
course of history. If he had done that, he would have re-narrated our story of innovation
that is so Indian in nature.
story is that this innovation did happen. The natural excitement for this
innovation should have come from the commercial world – particularly the banks
who should have engaged with this segment commercially. However, the excitement
came from the State in the paradigm of empowerment, inclusion and development.
While it made sense for SHG movement to seek the patronage of the State during
the initial phases to sell the concepts to the banking world, going forward the
basic commerce and the commercial exchanges were compromised because of the
State. Initially it started with subsidies that provided funding for building
the social architecture. But when the subsidies and intervention entered the
commercial transactions, the decline of the spirit of SHGs started. Tankha
fails to grasp this nuance.

for my reservations about the approach of the book, this is an important
resource book for anybody interested in the field of SHG based financial
inclusion programme in India.
1 comment:
Rural Development strategy of government is focusing much on the Financial Inclusion of the SHG. But nobody is seeking about human resource capacity of banks to do business with them ? I am seeing emergence of bank mitra concept to be good for both banks and customers in this regard.
Yet as correctly pointed by author, the evangelical obsession of government is self corroding the movement. As each scheme is directed through SHG without even considering capacity of members.
Sir, I am working at ground level and situation seems so grim with huge increment of NPA of banks. Much can be attributed to loan waiver scheme that has given wrong perception to the people. With elections, we can see major loans going as bad debts soon. Its very hard to recover money once given to SHG.
SHG Concept is good but its not solution of the all problems of rural development.
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